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The majority of the business information data we collect is obtained through publicly accessible government channels.

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It's declared that the Companies House provides access to all of the public data that thay hold on companies free of charge. This includes information about companies, officers, people of significant control and more.

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Recent Registered

Here list recent visted by end users, to expand your view to outside of your market.


Status: Live

Incorporated as LP on 2023-09-26, with address 168 ROBINSON ROAD #30-01 CAPITAL TOWER 068912.
The company's busness scope is "64202."
- The current operation state is Live .


Status: Live

Incorporated as LP on 2023-01-16, with address 168 ROBINSON ROAD #30-01 CAPITAL TOWER 068912.
The company's busness scope is "64202."
- The current operation state is Live .


Status: Live

Incorporated as LLP on 2023-11-10, with address 1 SUNVIEW ROAD #04-38 ECO-TECH@SUNVIEW 627615.
The company's busness scope is "64300."
- The current operation state is Live .


Status: Live

Incorporated as LLP on 2023-11-02, with address 288G BUKIT BATOK STREET 25 #06-234 NATURE VIEW 656288.
The company's busness scope is "85409."
- The current operation state is Live .

Incorporated as LLP on 2023-10-08, with address 116A JALAN TENTERAM #15-531 TENTERAM PEAK 321116.
The company's busness scope is "56111."
- The current operation state is Live .

Recent Visited

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